Monday, January 25, 2010

Eye Opening Experience...

I have not blogged since I was in high school. I thought that now might be a good time to begin doing this again. Many times I have thought about doing this, but decided that it was for the younger crowd. I have been having some issues in life with things not going well. I have always done better writing things down so why not start a blog. After all, everyone else is doing it right!

This weekend I went home to see my beloved family. Little did I know what I was going home to. I walked into my dads house greeted by a little puppy by the name of Abby. Now this was about as normal as my day was going to be let alone the rest of the weekend. I walked into my dads study to find him sitting there in a daze. I guessed he had just woken up but little did I know he was not exactly aware of what was going on. He had literally had an anxiety attack the day before and was on some pretty strong medication. I did not know how to react to this new information. He proceeded to tell me what was going on. I Began to become very worried as he told me what was happening. My Dad has a book that just came out a day ago. He was getting very nervous for this book release and some other things in his life were going on at the time as well. With all his different things in life staring him in the face he became an emotional basket case. Not to worry once the book came out, my wonderful Daddy was back to his normal self again. But like I said I was worried about him so that just made the rest of my weekend much more stressful....

After I went to lunch with my dad, I ended but going to see me mom. I had been trying to call her all day to tell her I was going to stay with my dad that night. Come to find out my mom had been in the ER all day after a very bad fall. Good thing her boyfriend was there to look after her. I found out once I got home that she broke her leg. I seriously sat there and thought to myself... should I just move home and take care of my family that is literally falling apart at my feet? Shortly after this thought i was informed that my grandfather buddy who happens to be my best friend had been sick all week with what my family thought was a minor stroke. Well I left my mothers house immediately without a second thought because I knew Terry was looking after her and flew to my grandfathers to have a closer look. I walked in and he was playing with my puppy Boomer. Relieved I sat down and proceeded to ask him what was going on... my family likes to blow things way out of proportion... and he was perfectly fine, just a headache the night before. I laughed and relaxed more knowing that it was all ok. So I ended up that day playing golf with him....

Ok Golf. My grandfather has wanted me to play golf since I could walk.... I have been to the driving range a total of three times including this time. I even have golf clubs... yeah usually i can pick up a sport and do great but golf... not so much. In this driving range adventure granted my grandfather triend very hard to teach me, I ended up meesing EVERYTHING up.. Lets see I hit a goose that was about 150 yards.... to my right! Oh and one of my drives i hit between my legs! oh and if thats not enough in the process of doing that I ended up hitting the four people behind me golfing with my rouge ball... yes Indeed they all doubled over laughing. So did I.... Well that golfing adventure ended quickly when my mom called me wanting me to run to Bixby to get her a walker so she could attempt to walk... Well I took her the walker and ended up back at my dads that night after everything was said and done.

Ok here it is guys! So as you can see reading this I felt very sorry for my situation and everything going on around me... well when I walked into my Dads house he was sleeping on the couch with the "Hope of Haiti" fundraiser going on. I can tell you what exactly made my eyes open. I was sitting there eating a bowl of cereal and this lady came on who was in Haiti when the Quake happened. Her daughter who is still in Haiti and herself were in the market when the quake happened and survived while seeing many around them die. She had to leave her daughter that is not officially hers yet because of the paper work behind with a family friend. The lady had yet to here from her daughter since she returned to the states. This really put things into perspective for me. What was I doing here... feeling sorry for myself and my family when there were people suffering a million times worse then I was. Immediatly I was on my knees praying for the people in Haiti and with everything in me just worried and hoped and pleaded with God to help them. All I wanted in the world was for them to be ok, for that nation to come out of this stronger and better.

I went to bed that night with a different mind set. Not worring about my problems or my horrid golf game but about the beautiful people of Haiti.

The next day I woke up with a lick from Abby with my dad sitting on the end of my bed smiling. This was a HUGE improvment then the past day. In his hand was his book, his life, his way that he was going to help millions. In the cover was a signature and a message. "With all my love, Dad" Right then and there I started to tear up. It was finally here after years of waiting on this day it was really here. HIS BOOK! His Inspiration. From there everything fell back into place. My dad was better then ever with his focus on God and his beloved book. My mom was walking a little better and was in good spirits now that she could get around byherself a little better. Buddy, well there was nothing wrong to begin with so nothing to worry about there.... except the Horrid golf game... hee hee oh well.

All it takes is Faith and Trust in My Lord Jesus and everything works out in the end... with amazing life lessons.